Holding Space | Gathering Circles

A few examples of space holding

  • 2023: What If We Were, rest as an act of resistance (South Africa) – held space for African trans and non-binary neurodivergent individuals during their seven-day rest retreat.

  • 2023: Feminist Research Methods (Kenya)– held spaces for debriefing post research sessions with feminist activists, practitioners and scholars working in/on gendered violence.

  • 2019: LBQ* Global Conference (Global/ South Africa) – facilitated a ritual gathering circle with trans & non-binary persons who had experienced violence in the space.

  • 2019: The University of Cape Town, Education Department (South Africa)– facilitated reflective and difficult conversations with post-graduate PGCE students, on privilege, race and inclusion.

  • 2019: Africa Gender Institute (South Africa) – facilitated difficult and remedial conversations for students following incidences of sexual violence and trauma

  • 2019: KIN folk networking convening (UK) - facilitated Chironda: a collective healing ritual for an international gathering of black community activists and organisers.