Independent Consultant – Researcher and Holder of Space
A few examples of consultancy projects
2024: The African Women's Development Fund: Home (AWDF) (Kenya and Ghana) – collective care and ‘institutionalising’ feminist and collective care.
2024: University of Sheffield (UK) – trauma-informed resources
2023: What If We Were, rest as an act of resistance (South Africa) – feminist and collective care
2020: Initiative for Strategic Litigation in Africa (ISLA) (South Africa) - a pan Africanist and feminist psycho-legal guide on litigating human trafficking
2021: Fringe of Colour Film Festival (UK) – healing resources, healing / remedial programme
2022: Urgent Action Fund (Kenya)– co-convening and co-curating the Feminist Republik Festival.
2022: Queer Feminist Film Festival (South Africa) – putting together a decolonial healing practitioners team.